Beautiful and Beloved
Can Ch Texas Set Fire To The Rain FDJ​ RN
Vesta came to my home from Texas in July of 2021. Vesta finished her Canadian championship in April 2023, she is now working towards her American championship.
Vesta achieved her FDJ easily with no training. Vesta has started field training in the spring of 2024. I am hoping to enter Vesta in FD this fall. ​Vesta is currently training to compete in Agility for the Summer of 2024​Vesta's Health Testing: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2432186​

Can Ch Tanki Reign of Fire NAP1 (Kyra) is the daughter of Pyro and Vesta from my first litter. ​Kyra is full of spunk and eager to learn. Kyra has now completed her Canadian show Championship. Kyra earned her final points at the Brittany Spaniel Club of Canada National Specialty. In August 2024 Kyra completed her NAVHDA Natural ability testing passing with a Prize 1 (110/112).